We decided that it needed new tyres, and you could say it wasn't really 'rally ready' with the tyres it had on it as there were small holes in them! So it now has a nice new set of Insa Turbo AT tyres, we also have a brand new Insa Turbo spare. We'll be carrying 2 spares in total.

We have also been trying to come up with additional ways to keep the car cool as it hasn't been exposed to these temperatures before and we don't know what to expect so have to take extra precautions. We've opted for an upgrade on the engine driven fan and have gone for a 5 blade military alternative (pictures below, next to the standard fan). We already have our auxiliary fan fitted and we're about to install an oil cooler as well. There is not much else that can be done to make the car run any cooler after all this.

If you spoke to us after our last rally, you may have come to know that our brakes on the Land Rover are far from good, actually if we described them as bad, we were being generous. So a few weeks ago, we replaced the back braking system completely. We noticed an immediate improvement, but only up to the speeds of about 20 ~ 30mph. We debated whether to replace the front brakes as well, but given that we have quite a drive through Spain, we decided to go ahead and replace them too.
In other rally progress, our International Driving Permits have arrived following a very prompt service from the AA.

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